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# Drake's Dotfiles (Suckless version)
This is just a personal repository where i store all my dotfiles, you're free
clone them and edit them as you wish. Part of this work was based on other
people's dotfiles (Distrotube for example), and it may contain scripts or
binaries that they made or modify.
# Dependencies
``` sh
paru -S --needed bat exa feh fzf jq ripgrep maim slop cmus vifm ueberzugpp unclutter-xfixes-git lxsession picom xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xinit xorg-xprop xorg-xev xorg-xrandr arandr yt-dlp ani-cli-git ytfzf-git pulsemixer pamixer alsa-utils ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono ttf-mononoki-nerd zathura zathura-pdf-poppler zathura-cb kvantum gruvbox-dark-gtk gruvbox-dark-icons-gtk xcursor-simp1e-gruvbox-dark j4-dmenu-desktop ffmpegthumbnailer ffmpeg btop mpv gtk-engine-murrine