2024-08-19 00:36:33 -04:00

303 lines
17 KiB

# A TOML linter such as can use this schema to validate your config.
# If you encounter any issues, please make an issue at
"$schema" = ""
keymap = [
{ on = "<Esc>", run = "escape", desc = "Exit visual mode, clear selected, or cancel search" },
{ on = "<C-[>", run = "escape", desc = "Exit visual mode, clear selected, or cancel search" },
{ on = "q", run = "quit", desc = "Exit the process" },
{ on = "Q", run = "quit --no-cwd-file", desc = "Exit the process without writing cwd-file" },
{ on = "<C-c>", run = "close", desc = "Close the current tab, or quit if it is last tab" },
{ on = "<C-z>", run = "suspend", desc = "Suspend the process" },
# Hopping
{ on = "k", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "j", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
{ on = "<Up>", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "<Down>", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
{ on = "<C-u>", run = "arrow -50%", desc = "Move cursor up half page" },
{ on = "<C-d>", run = "arrow 50%", desc = "Move cursor down half page" },
{ on = "<C-b>", run = "arrow -100%", desc = "Move cursor up one page" },
{ on = "<C-f>", run = "arrow 100%", desc = "Move cursor down one page" },
{ on = "<S-PageUp>", run = "arrow -50%", desc = "Move cursor up half page" },
{ on = "<S-PageDown>", run = "arrow 50%", desc = "Move cursor down half page" },
{ on = "<PageUp>", run = "arrow -100%", desc = "Move cursor up one page" },
{ on = "<PageDown>", run = "arrow 100%", desc = "Move cursor down one page" },
{ on = [ "g", "g" ], run = "arrow -99999999", desc = "Move cursor to the top" },
{ on = "G", run = "arrow 99999999", desc = "Move cursor to the bottom" },
# Navigation
{ on = "h", run = "leave", desc = "Go back to the parent directory" },
{ on = "l", run = "enter", desc = "Enter the child directory" },
{ on = "<Left>", run = "leave", desc = "Go back to the parent directory" },
{ on = "<Right>", run = "enter", desc = "Enter the child directory" },
{ on = "H", run = "back", desc = "Go back to the previous directory" },
{ on = "L", run = "forward", desc = "Go forward to the next directory" },
# Seeking
{ on = "K", run = "seek -5", desc = "Seek up 5 units in the preview" },
{ on = "J", run = "seek 5", desc = "Seek down 5 units in the preview" },
# Selection
{ on = "<Space>", run = [ "select --state=none", "arrow 1" ], desc = "Toggle the current selection state" },
{ on = "v", run = "visual_mode", desc = "Enter visual mode (selection mode)" },
{ on = "V", run = "visual_mode --unset", desc = "Enter visual mode (unset mode)" },
{ on = "<C-a>", run = "select_all --state=true", desc = "Select all files" },
{ on = "<C-r>", run = "select_all --state=none", desc = "Inverse selection of all files" },
# Operation
{ on = "o", run = "open", desc = "Open selected files" },
{ on = "O", run = "open --interactive", desc = "Open selected files interactively" },
{ on = "<Enter>", run = "open", desc = "Open selected files" },
{ on = "<S-Enter>", run = "open --interactive", desc = "Open selected files interactively" },
{ on = "y", run = "yank", desc = "Yank selected files (copy)" },
{ on = "x", run = "yank --cut", desc = "Yank selected files (cut)" },
{ on = "p", run = "paste", desc = "Paste yanked files" },
{ on = "P", run = "paste --force", desc = "Paste yanked files (overwrite if the destination exists)" },
{ on = "-", run = "link", desc = "Symlink the absolute path of yanked files" },
{ on = "_", run = "link --relative", desc = "Symlink the relative path of yanked files" },
{ on = "<C-->", run = "hardlink", desc = "Hardlink yanked files" },
{ on = "Y", run = "unyank", desc = "Cancel the yank status" },
{ on = "X", run = "unyank", desc = "Cancel the yank status" },
{ on = "d", run = "remove", desc = "Trash selected files" },
{ on = "D", run = "remove --permanently", desc = "Permanently delete selected files" },
{ on = "a", run = "create", desc = "Create a file (ends with / for directories)" },
{ on = "r", run = "rename --cursor=before_ext", desc = "Rename selected file(s)" },
{ on = ";", run = "shell --interactive", desc = "Run a shell command" },
{ on = ":", run = "shell --block --interactive", desc = "Run a shell command (block until finishes)" },
{ on = ".", run = "hidden toggle", desc = "Toggle the visibility of hidden files" },
{ on = "s", run = "search fd", desc = "Search files by name using fd" },
{ on = "S", run = "search rg", desc = "Search files by content using ripgrep" },
{ on = "<C-s>", run = "escape --search", desc = "Cancel the ongoing search" },
{ on = "z", run = "plugin zoxide", desc = "Jump to a directory using zoxide" },
{ on = "Z", run = "plugin fzf", desc = "Jump to a directory or reveal a file using fzf" },
# Linemode
{ on = [ "m", "s" ], run = "linemode size", desc = "Set linemode to size" },
{ on = [ "m", "p" ], run = "linemode permissions", desc = "Set linemode to permissions" },
{ on = [ "m", "c" ], run = "linemode ctime", desc = "Set linemode to ctime" },
{ on = [ "m", "m" ], run = "linemode mtime", desc = "Set linemode to mtime" },
{ on = [ "m", "o" ], run = "linemode owner", desc = "Set linemode to owner" },
{ on = [ "m", "n" ], run = "linemode none", desc = "Set linemode to none" },
# Copy
{ on = [ "c", "c" ], run = "copy path", desc = "Copy the file path" },
{ on = [ "c", "d" ], run = "copy dirname", desc = "Copy the directory path" },
{ on = [ "c", "f" ], run = "copy filename", desc = "Copy the filename" },
{ on = [ "c", "n" ], run = "copy name_without_ext", desc = "Copy the filename without extension" },
# Filter
{ on = "f", run = "filter --smart", desc = "Filter files" },
# Find
{ on = "/", run = "find --smart", desc = "Find next file" },
{ on = "?", run = "find --previous --smart", desc = "Find previous file" },
{ on = "n", run = "find_arrow", desc = "Go to the next found" },
{ on = "N", run = "find_arrow --previous", desc = "Go to the previous found" },
# Sorting
{ on = [ ",", "m" ], run = [ "sort modified --reverse=no", "linemode mtime" ], desc = "Sort by modified time" },
{ on = [ ",", "M" ], run = [ "sort modified --reverse", "linemode mtime" ], desc = "Sort by modified time (reverse)" },
{ on = [ ",", "c" ], run = [ "sort created --reverse=no", "linemode ctime" ], desc = "Sort by created time" },
{ on = [ ",", "C" ], run = [ "sort created --reverse", "linemode ctime" ], desc = "Sort by created time (reverse)" },
{ on = [ ",", "e" ], run = "sort extension --reverse=no", desc = "Sort by extension" },
{ on = [ ",", "E" ], run = "sort extension --reverse", desc = "Sort by extension (reverse)" },
{ on = [ ",", "a" ], run = "sort alphabetical --reverse=no", desc = "Sort alphabetically" },
{ on = [ ",", "A" ], run = "sort alphabetical --reverse", desc = "Sort alphabetically (reverse)" },
{ on = [ ",", "n" ], run = "sort natural --reverse=no", desc = "Sort naturally" },
{ on = [ ",", "N" ], run = "sort natural --reverse", desc = "Sort naturally (reverse)" },
{ on = [ ",", "s" ], run = [ "sort size --reverse=no", "linemode size" ], desc = "Sort by size" },
{ on = [ ",", "S" ], run = [ "sort size --reverse", "linemode size" ], desc = "Sort by size (reverse)" },
{ on = [ ",", "r" ], run = "sort random --reverse=no", desc = "Sort randomly" },
# Goto
{ on = [ "g", "h" ], run = "cd ~", desc = "Go to the home directory" },
{ on = [ "g", "c" ], run = "cd ~/.config", desc = "Go to the config directory" },
{ on = [ "g", "d" ], run = "cd ~/Downloads", desc = "Go to the downloads directory" },
{ on = [ "g", "<Space>" ], run = "cd --interactive", desc = "Go to a directory interactively" },
# Tabs
{ on = "t", run = "tab_create --current", desc = "Create a new tab with CWD" },
{ on = "1", run = "tab_switch 0", desc = "Switch to the first tab" },
{ on = "2", run = "tab_switch 1", desc = "Switch to the second tab" },
{ on = "3", run = "tab_switch 2", desc = "Switch to the third tab" },
{ on = "4", run = "tab_switch 3", desc = "Switch to the fourth tab" },
{ on = "5", run = "tab_switch 4", desc = "Switch to the fifth tab" },
{ on = "6", run = "tab_switch 5", desc = "Switch to the sixth tab" },
{ on = "7", run = "tab_switch 6", desc = "Switch to the seventh tab" },
{ on = "8", run = "tab_switch 7", desc = "Switch to the eighth tab" },
{ on = "9", run = "tab_switch 8", desc = "Switch to the ninth tab" },
{ on = "[", run = "tab_switch -1 --relative", desc = "Switch to the previous tab" },
{ on = "]", run = "tab_switch 1 --relative", desc = "Switch to the next tab" },
{ on = "{", run = "tab_swap -1", desc = "Swap current tab with previous tab" },
{ on = "}", run = "tab_swap 1", desc = "Swap current tab with next tab" },
# Tasks
{ on = "w", run = "tasks_show", desc = "Show task manager" },
# Help
{ on = "~", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
{ on = "<F1>", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
keymap = [
{ on = "<Esc>", run = "close", desc = "Close task manager" },
{ on = "<C-[>", run = "close", desc = "Close task manager" },
{ on = "<C-c>", run = "close", desc = "Close task manager" },
{ on = "w", run = "close", desc = "Close task manager" },
{ on = "k", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "j", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
{ on = "<Up>", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "<Down>", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
{ on = "<Enter>", run = "inspect", desc = "Inspect the task" },
{ on = "x", run = "cancel", desc = "Cancel the task" },
# Help
{ on = "~", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
{ on = "<F1>", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
keymap = [
{ on = "<Esc>", run = "close", desc = "Cancel selection" },
{ on = "<C-[>", run = "close", desc = "Cancel selection" },
{ on = "<C-c>", run = "close", desc = "Cancel selection" },
{ on = "<Enter>", run = "close --submit", desc = "Submit the selection" },
{ on = "k", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "j", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
{ on = "<Up>", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "<Down>", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
# Help
{ on = "~", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
{ on = "<F1>", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
keymap = [
{ on = "<C-c>", run = "close", desc = "Cancel input" },
{ on = "<Enter>", run = "close --submit", desc = "Submit the input" },
{ on = "<Esc>", run = "escape", desc = "Go back the normal mode, or cancel input" },
{ on = "<C-[>", run = "escape", desc = "Go back the normal mode, or cancel input" },
# Mode
{ on = "i", run = "insert", desc = "Enter insert mode" },
{ on = "a", run = "insert --append", desc = "Enter append mode" },
{ on = "I", run = [ "move -999", "insert" ], desc = "Move to the BOL, and enter insert mode" },
{ on = "A", run = [ "move 999", "insert --append" ], desc = "Move to the EOL, and enter append mode" },
{ on = "v", run = "visual", desc = "Enter visual mode" },
{ on = "V", run = [ "move -999", "visual", "move 999" ], desc = "Enter visual mode and select all" },
# Character-wise movement
{ on = "h", run = "move -1", desc = "Move back a character" },
{ on = "l", run = "move 1", desc = "Move forward a character" },
{ on = "<Left>", run = "move -1", desc = "Move back a character" },
{ on = "<Right>", run = "move 1", desc = "Move forward a character" },
{ on = "<C-b>", run = "move -1", desc = "Move back a character" },
{ on = "<C-f>", run = "move 1", desc = "Move forward a character" },
# Word-wise movement
{ on = "b", run = "backward", desc = "Move back to the start of the current or previous word" },
{ on = "w", run = "forward", desc = "Move forward to the start of the next word" },
{ on = "e", run = "forward --end-of-word", desc = "Move forward to the end of the current or next word" },
{ on = "<A-b>", run = "backward", desc = "Move back to the start of the current or previous word" },
{ on = "<A-f>", run = "forward --end-of-word", desc = "Move forward to the end of the current or next word" },
# Line-wise movement
{ on = "0", run = "move -999", desc = "Move to the BOL" },
{ on = "$", run = "move 999", desc = "Move to the EOL" },
{ on = "<C-a>", run = "move -999", desc = "Move to the BOL" },
{ on = "<C-e>", run = "move 999", desc = "Move to the EOL" },
{ on = "<Home>", run = "move -999", desc = "Move to the BOL" },
{ on = "<End>", run = "move 999", desc = "Move to the EOL" },
# Delete
{ on = "<Backspace>", run = "backspace", desc = "Delete the character before the cursor" },
{ on = "<Delete>", run = "backspace --under", desc = "Delete the character under the cursor" },
{ on = "<C-h>", run = "backspace", desc = "Delete the character before the cursor" },
{ on = "<C-d>", run = "backspace --under", desc = "Delete the character under the cursor" },
# Kill
{ on = "<C-u>", run = "kill bol", desc = "Kill backwards to the BOL" },
{ on = "<C-k>", run = "kill eol", desc = "Kill forwards to the EOL" },
{ on = "<C-w>", run = "kill backward", desc = "Kill backwards to the start of the current word" },
{ on = "<A-d>", run = "kill forward", desc = "Kill forwards to the end of the current word" },
# Cut/Yank/Paste
{ on = "d", run = "delete --cut", desc = "Cut the selected characters" },
{ on = "D", run = [ "delete --cut", "move 999" ], desc = "Cut until the EOL" },
{ on = "c", run = "delete --cut --insert", desc = "Cut the selected characters, and enter insert mode" },
{ on = "C", run = [ "delete --cut --insert", "move 999" ], desc = "Cut until the EOL, and enter insert mode" },
{ on = "x", run = [ "delete --cut", "move 1 --in-operating" ], desc = "Cut the current character" },
{ on = "y", run = "yank", desc = "Copy the selected characters" },
{ on = "p", run = "paste", desc = "Paste the copied characters after the cursor" },
{ on = "P", run = "paste --before", desc = "Paste the copied characters before the cursor" },
# Undo/Redo
{ on = "u", run = "undo", desc = "Undo the last operation" },
{ on = "<C-r>", run = "redo", desc = "Redo the last operation" },
# Help
{ on = "~", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
{ on = "<F1>", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
keymap = [
{ on = "<C-c>", run = "close", desc = "Cancel completion" },
{ on = "<Tab>", run = "close --submit", desc = "Submit the completion" },
{ on = "<Enter>", run = [ "close --submit", "close_input --submit" ], desc = "Submit the completion and input" },
{ on = "<A-k>", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "<A-j>", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
{ on = "<Up>", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "<Down>", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
{ on = "<C-p>", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "<C-n>", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
# Help
{ on = "~", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
{ on = "<F1>", run = "help", desc = "Open help" },
keymap = [
{ on = "<Esc>", run = "escape", desc = "Clear the filter, or hide the help" },
{ on = "<C-[>", run = "escape", desc = "Clear the filter, or hide the help" },
{ on = "q", run = "close", desc = "Exit the process" },
{ on = "<C-c>", run = "close", desc = "Hide the help" },
# Navigation
{ on = "k", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "j", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
{ on = "<Up>", run = "arrow -1", desc = "Move cursor up" },
{ on = "<Down>", run = "arrow 1", desc = "Move cursor down" },
# Filtering
{ on = "f", run = "filter", desc = "Apply a filter for the help items" },