-- Standard awesome library local gears = require("gears") --Utilities such as color parsing and objects local awful = require("awful") --Everything related to window managment require("awful.autofocus") -- Custom libraries local battery_widget = require("awesome-wm-widgets.battery-widget.battery") local volume_widget = require('awesome-wm-widgets.volume-widget.volume') local brightness_widget = require("awesome-wm-widgets.brightness-widget.brightness") local logout_menu_widget = require("awesome-wm-widgets.logout-menu-widget.logout-menu") -- Widget and layout library local wibox = require("wibox") -- Theme handling library local beautiful = require("beautiful") -- Notification library local naughty = require("naughty") naughty.config.defaults['icon_size'] = 100 -- Lain library local lain = require("lain") -- Enable hotkeys help widget for VIM and other apps -- when client with a matching name is opened: local hotkeys_popup = require("awful.hotkeys_popup").widget require("awful.hotkeys_popup.keys") local my_table = awful.util.table or gears.table -- 4.{0,1} compatibility if awesome.startup_errors then naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical, title = "Oops, there were errors during startup!", text = awesome.startup_errors }) end do local in_error = false awesome.connect_signal("debug::error", function (err) -- Make sure we don't go into an endless error loop if in_error then return end in_error = true naughty.notify({ preset = naughty.config.presets.critical, title = "Oops, an error happened!", text = tostring(err) }) in_error = false end) end local function run_once(cmd_arr) for _, cmd in ipairs(cmd_arr) do awful.spawn.with_shell(string.format("pgrep -u $USER -fx '%s' > /dev/null || (%s)", cmd, cmd)) end end run_once({ "unclutter -root" }) -- entries must be comma-separated local themes = { "gruvbox-dark" -- 1 } local chosen_theme = themes[1] local theme_path = string.format("%s/.config/awesome/themes/%s/theme.lua", os.getenv("HOME"), chosen_theme) beautiful.init(theme_path) beautiful.init(string.format(gears.filesystem.get_configuration_dir() .. "/themes/%s/theme.lua", chosen_theme)) awful.layout.suit.tile.left.mirror = true awful.layout.layouts = { awful.layout.suit.tile, awful.layout.suit.tile.left, awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, awful.layout.suit.tile.top, --awful.layout.suit.fair, --awful.layout.suit.fair.horizontal, --awful.layout.suit.spiral, --awful.layout.suit.spiral.dwindle, awful.layout.suit.max, --awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen, awful.layout.suit.magnifier, awful.layout.suit.floating, --awful.layout.suit.corner.nw, --awful.layout.suit.corner.ne, --awful.layout.suit.corner.sw, --awful.layout.suit.corner.se, --lain.layout.cascade, --lain.layout.cascade.tile, --lain.layout.centerwork, --lain.layout.centerwork.horizontal, --lain.layout.termfair, --lain.layout.termfair.center, } lain.layout.termfair.nmaster = 3 lain.layout.termfair.ncol = 1 lain.layout.termfair.center.nmaster = 3 lain.layout.termfair.center.ncol = 1 lain.layout.cascade.tile.offset_x = 2 lain.layout.cascade.tile.offset_y = 32 lain.layout.cascade.tile.extra_padding = 5 lain.layout.cascade.tile.nmaster = 5 lain.layout.cascade.tile.ncol = 2 awful.util.terminal = terminal local editor = os.getenv("EDITOR") or "/home/drk/.local/bin/./neovide" local editorgui = "emacsclient -c -a 'emacs'" local terminal = "alacritty" local filemanager = "alacritty -e ./.config/vifm/scripts/vifmrun" local filemanagergui = "pcmanfm" local audiomixer = "alacritty -e pulsemixer" local audiomixer2 = "alacritty -e alsamixer" local browser = "firefox" local browser2 = "qutebrowser" local musicplayer = "alacritty -e musikcube" local musicplayergui = "lollypop" local emailclient = "thunderbird" local element = "element-desktop" local whatsapp = 'firefox --new-window web.whatsapp.com' -- Key bindings variables local modkey = "Mod4" local altkey = "Mod1" local modkey1 = "Control" awful.util.tagnames = { " CODE ", " WEB ", " MUSIC ", " CHAT ", " FILE ", " TERM ", " WORK1 ", " WORK2 ", " GAME " } awful.util.taglist_buttons = my_table.join( awful.button({ }, 1, function(t) t:view_only() end), awful.button({ modkey }, 1, function(t) if client.focus then client.focus:move_to_tag(t) end end), awful.button({ }, 3, awful.tag.viewtoggle), awful.button({ modkey }, 3, function(t) if client.focus then client.focus:toggle_tag(t) end end), awful.button({ }, 4, function(t) awful.tag.viewnext(t.screen) end), awful.button({ }, 5, function(t) awful.tag.viewprev(t.screen) end) ) awful.util.tasklist_buttons = my_table.join( awful.button({ }, 1, function (c) if c == client.focus then c.minimized = true else c:emit_signal("request::activate", "tasklist", {raise = true}) end end), awful.button({ }, 3, function () local instance = nil return function () if instance and instance.wibox.visible then instance:hide() instance = nil else instance = awful.menu.clients({theme = {width = 250}}) end end end), awful.button({ }, 4, function () awful.client.focus.byidx(1) end), awful.button({ }, 5, function () awful.client.focus.byidx(-1) end) ) screen.connect_signal("property::geometry", function(s) if beautiful.wallpaper then local wallpaper = beautiful.wallpaper if type(wallpaper) == "function" then wallpaper = wallpaper(s) end gears.wallpaper.maximized(wallpaper, s, true) end end) awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(s) beautiful.at_screen_connect(s) end) -- Mouse bindings root.buttons(gears.table.join( awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext), awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev) )) -- Awesome things globalkeys = my_table.join( awful.key({ modkey, }, "s", hotkeys_popup.show_help, {description="show help", group="awesome"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "r", awesome.restart, {description = "reload awesome", group = "awesome"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "q", awesome.quit, {description = "quit awesome", group = "awesome"}), -- Tag browsing arrow keys and escape awful.key({ modkey, }, "Left", awful.tag.viewprev, {description = "view previous", group = "tag"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "Right", awful.tag.viewnext, {description = "view next", group = "tag"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "Escape", awful.tag.history.restore, {description = "go back", group = "tag"}), -- Tag browsing alt + tab awful.key({ altkey, }, "Tab", awful.tag.viewnext, {description = "view next", group = "tag"}), awful.key({ altkey, "Shift" }, "Tab", awful.tag.viewprev, {description = "view previous", group = "tag"}), -- Copy primary to clipboard (terminals to gtk) awful.key({ modkey }, "c", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("xsel | xsel -i -b") end, {description = "copy terminal to gtk", group = "hotkeys"}), -- Copy clipboard to primary (gtk to terminals) awful.key({ modkey }, "v", function () awful.spawn.with_shell("xsel -b | xsel") end, {description = "copy gtk to terminal", group = "hotkeys"}), -- Client focus awful.key({ modkey, }, "j", function () awful.client.focus.byidx( 1) end, {description = "focus next by index", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "k", function () awful.client.focus.byidx(-1) end, {description = "focus previous by index", group = "client"}), -- Layout manipulation awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "j", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( 1) end, {description = "swap with next client by index", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "k", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( -1) end, {description = "swap with previous client by index", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "j", function () awful.screen.focus_relative( 1) end, {description = "focus the next screen", group = "screen"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "k", function () awful.screen.focus_relative(-1) end, {description = "focus the previous screen", group = "screen"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "u", awful.client.urgent.jumpto, {description = "jump to urgent client", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "Tab", function () awful.client.focus.history.previous() if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end end, {description = "go back", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "l", function () awful.tag.incmwfact( 0.05) end, {description = "increase master width factor", group = "layout"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "h", function () awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end, {description = "decrease master width factor", group = "layout"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incnmaster( 1, nil, true) end, {description = "increase the number of master clients", group = "layout"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incnmaster(-1, nil, true) end, {description = "decrease the number of master clients", group = "layout"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incncol( 1, nil, true) end, {description = "increase the number of columns", group = "layout"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incncol(-1, nil, true) end, {description = "decrease the number of columns", group = "layout"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc( 1) end, {description = "select next", group = "layout"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc(-1) end, {description = "select previous", group = "layout"}), -- Rofi awful.key({ modkey }, "d", function () awful.spawn(string.format("rofi -show drun", beautiful.bg_normal, beautiful.fg_normal, beautiful.bg_focus, beautiful.fg_focus)) end, {description = "show rofi drun menu", group = "hotkeys"}), awful.key({ modkey }, "r", function () awful.spawn(string.format("rofi -show run", beautiful.bg_normal, beautiful.fg_normal, beautiful.bg_focus, beautiful.fg_focus)) end, {description = "show rofi run menu", group = "hotkeys"}), awful.key({ modkey }, "Tab", function () awful.spawn(string.format("rofi -show window", beautiful.bg_normal, beautiful.fg_normal, beautiful.bg_focus, beautiful.fg_focus)) end, {description = "show rofi window menu", group = "hotkeys"}), awful.key({ modkey }, "w", function () awful.util.spawn("./.shell-scripts/rofi-wifi-menu.sh") end, {description = "show rofi wifi menu", group = "hotkeys"}), -- Keyboard Layouts awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "e", function () awful.util.spawn("setxkbmap -layout es") end, {description = "switch to es keyboard layout", group = "keyboard"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "u", function () awful.util.spawn("setxkbmap -layout us") end, {description = "switch to us keyboard layout", group = "keyboard"}), -- Apps -- code awful.key({ modkey }, "F1", function () awful.spawn(editorgui) end, {description = "launch emacs", group = "apps"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "F1", function () awful.spawn(editor) end, {description = "launch spacevim", group = "apps"}), -- web awful.key({ modkey }, "F2", function () awful.spawn(browser) end, {description = "launch firefox", group = "apps"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "F2", function () awful.spawn(browser2) end, {description = "launch qutebrowser", group = "apps"}), -- music awful.key({ modkey }, "F3", function () awful.spawn(musicplayer) end, {description = "launch musikcube", group = "apps"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "F3", function () awful.spawn(musicplayergui) end, {description = "launch lollypop", group = "apps"}), -- chat awful.key({ modkey }, "F4", function () awful.spawn(element) end, {description = "launch element", group = "apps"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "F4", function () awful.spawn(whatsapp) end, {description = "launch whatsapp", group = "apps"}), -- file awful.key({ modkey }, "F5", function () awful.spawn(filemanager) end, {description = "launch vifm", group = "apps"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "F5", function () awful.spawn(filemanagergui) end, {description = "launch pcmanfm", group = "apps"}), -- term awful.key({ modkey, }, "Return", function () awful.spawn(terminal) end, {description = "open a terminal", group = "launcher"}), -- tag agnostic awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "m", function () awful.spawn(audiomixer) end, {description = "launch pulsemixer", group = "apps"}), awful.key({ modkey, altkey }, "m", function () awful.spawn(audiomixer2) end, {description = "launch alsamixer", group = "apps"}), -- game awful.key({ modkey }, "F9", function () awful.util.spawn("retroarch") end, {description = "launch retroarch", group = "apps"}), -- Volume Control awful.key({}, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", function() volume_widget:inc(5) end, {description = "increase volume", group = "volume"}), awful.key({}, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", function() volume_widget:dec(5) end, {description = "decrease volume", group = "volume"}), awful.key({}, "XF86AudioMute", function() volume_widget:toggle() end, {description = "mute volume", group = "volume"}), -- Screenshot awful.key({}, "Print", function() awful.util.spawn("scrot") end, {description = "take a complete screenshot", group = "screenshot"}), awful.key({"Control"}, "Print", function() awful.util.spawn("scrot -s") end, {description = "take an area screenshot", group = "screenshot"}), -- Brightness awful.key({}, "XF86MonBrightnessUp", function () brightness_widget:inc(5) end, {description = "increase brightness", group = "brightness"}), awful.key({}, "XF86MonBrightnessDown", function () brightness_widget:dec(5) end, {description = "decrease brightness", group = "brightness"}), -- Screen configuration awful.key({ modkey }, "p", function() awful.util.spawn("arandr") end, {description = "launch screen configuration tool", group = ("screen")}), -- Show/Hide Wibox awful.key({ modkey }, "b", function () for s in screen do s.mywibox.visible = not s.mywibox.visible if s.mybottomwibox then s.mybottomwibox.visible = not s.mybottomwibox.visible end end end, {description = "toggle wibox", group = "awesome"}), -- On the fly useless gaps change awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "j", function () lain.util.useless_gaps_resize(1) end, {description = "increment gaps", group = "tag"}), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "l", function () lain.util.useless_gaps_resize(-1) end, {description = "decrement gaps", group = "tag"}), -- Dynamic tagging awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "n", function () lain.util.add_tag() end, {description = "add new tag", group = "tag"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "r", function () lain.util.rename_tag() end, {description = "rename tag", group = "tag"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Left", function () lain.util.move_tag(-1) end, {description = "move tag to the left", group = "tag"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Right", function () lain.util.move_tag(1) end, {description = "move tag to the right", group = "tag"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "d", function () lain.util.delete_tag() end, {description = "delete tag", group = "tag"}), -- Minimize, maximize, moving clients, fullscreen, etc awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "n", function () local c = awful.client.restore() -- Focus restored client if c then client.focus = c c:raise() end end, {description = "restore minimized", group = "client"}) ) clientkeys = gears.table.join( awful.key({ modkey, }, "f", function (c) c.fullscreen = not c.fullscreen c:raise() end, {description = "toggle fullscreen", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey }, "q", function (c) c:kill() end, {description = "close", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "space", awful.client.floating.toggle, {description = "toggle floating", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "Return", function (c) c:swap(awful.client.getmaster()) end, {description = "move to master", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "o", function (c) c:move_to_screen() end, {description = "move to screen", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "t", function (c) c.ontop = not c.ontop end, {description = "toggle keep on top", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "n", function (c) c.minimized = true end , {description = "minimize", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, }, "m", function (c) c.maximized = not c.maximized c:raise() end , {description = "(un)maximize", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "m", function (c) c.maximized_vertical = not c.maximized_vertical c:raise() end , {description = "(un)maximize vertically", group = "client"}), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "m", function (c) c.maximized_horizontal = not c.maximized_horizontal c:raise() end , {description = "(un)maximize horizontally", group = "client"}) ) -- Bind all key numbers to tags. -- Be careful: we use keycodes to make it works on any keyboard layout. -- This should map on the top row of your keyboard, usually 1 to 9. for i = 1, 9 do -- Hack to only show tags 1 and 9 in the shortcut window (mod+s) local descr_view, descr_toggle, descr_move, descr_toggle_focus if i == 1 or i == 9 then descr_view = {description = "view tag #", group = "tag"} descr_toggle = {description = "toggle tag #", group = "tag"} descr_move = {description = "move focused client to tag #", group = "tag"} descr_toggle_focus = {description = "toggle focused client on tag #", group = "tag"} end globalkeys = my_table.join(globalkeys, -- View tag only. awful.key({ modkey }, "#" .. i + 9, function () local screen = awful.screen.focused() local tag = screen.tags[i] if tag then tag:view_only() end end, descr_view), -- Toggle tag display. awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "#" .. i + 9, function () local screen = awful.screen.focused() local tag = screen.tags[i] if tag then awful.tag.viewtoggle(tag) end end, descr_toggle), -- Move client to tag. awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9, function () if client.focus then local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[i] if tag then client.focus:move_to_tag(tag) end end end, descr_move), -- Toggle tag on focused client. awful.key({ modkey, "Control", "Shift" }, "#" .. i + 9, function () if client.focus then local tag = client.focus.screen.tags[i] if tag then client.focus:toggle_tag(tag) end end end, descr_toggle_focus) ) end -- Other mouse bindings clientbuttons = gears.table.join( awful.button({ }, 1, function (c) c:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_click", {raise = true}) end), awful.button({ modkey }, 1, function (c) c:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_click", {raise = true}) awful.mouse.client.move(c) end), awful.button({ modkey }, 3, function (c) c:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_click", {raise = true}) awful.mouse.client.resize(c) end) ) -- Set keys root.keys(globalkeys) -- Rules to apply to new clients (through the "manage" signal). awful.rules.rules = { -- All clients will match this rule. { rule = { }, properties = { border_width = beautiful.border_width, border_color = beautiful.border_normal, focus = awful.client.focus.filter, raise = true, keys = clientkeys, buttons = clientbuttons, screen = awful.screen.preferred, placement = awful.placement.no_overlap+awful.placement.no_offscreen, callback = awful.client.setslave } }, -- Floating clients. { rule_any = { instance = { "DTA", -- Firefox addon DownThemAll. "copyq", -- Includes session name in class. "pinentry", }, class = { "Arandr", "Blueman-manager", "Gpick", "Kruler", "MessageWin", -- kalarm. -- "Sxiv", "Tor Browser", -- Needs a fixed window size to avoid fingerprinting by screen size. "Wpa_gui", "veromix", "xtightvncviewer"}, -- Note that the name property shown in xprop might be set slightly after creation of the client -- and the name shown there might not match defined rules here. name = { "Event Tester", -- xev. }, role = { "AlarmWindow", -- Thunderbird's calendar. "ConfigManager", -- Thunderbird's about:config. "pop-up", -- e.g. Google Chrome's (detached) Developer Tools. } }, properties = { floating = true }}, } -- Signal function to execute when a new client appears. client.connect_signal("manage", function (c) -- Set the windows at the slave, -- i.e. put it at the end of others instead of setting it master. -- if not awesome.startup then awful.client.setslave(c) end if awesome.startup and not c.size_hints.user_position and not c.size_hints.program_position then -- Prevent clients from being unreachable after screen count changes. awful.placement.no_offscreen(c) end end) -- Enable sloppy focus, so that focus follows mouse. client.connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(c) c:emit_signal("request::activate", "mouse_enter", {raise = false}) end) client.connect_signal("focus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus end) client.connect_signal("unfocus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal end) awful.util.spawn_with_shell("nitrogen --restore") awful.util.spawn_with_shell("lxpolkit") awful.util.spawn_with_shell("picom") awful.util.spawn_with_shell("/usr/bin/emacs --daemon &")