#!/usr/bin/env bash notify-send "Getting list of available Wi-Fi networks..." nmcli -t d wifi rescan # Get a list of available wifi connections and morph it into a nice-looking list LIST=$(nmcli --fields SSID,SECURITY,BARS device wifi list | sed '/^--/d' | sed 1d | sed -E "s/WPA*.?\S/~~/g" | sed "s/~~ ~~/~~/g;s/802\.1X//g;s/--/~~/g;s/ *~/~/g;s/~ */~/g;s/_/ /g" | column -t -s '~') # get current connection status CONSTATE=$(nmcli -fields WIFI g) if [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "enabled" ]]; then TOGGLE="Disable WiFi 睊" elif [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "disabled" ]]; then TOGGLE="Enable WiFi 直" fi # Use rofi to select wifi network CHENTRY=$(echo -e "$TOGGLE\n$LIST" | uniq -u | rofi -dmenu -selected-row 1 -p "Wi-Fi SSID: ") # Get name of connection CHSSID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | sed 's/\s\{2,\}/\|/g' | awk -F "|" '{print $1}') if [ "$CHENTRY" = "" ]; then exit elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "Enable WiFi 直" ]; then nmcli radio wifi on elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "Disable WiFi 睊" ]; then nmcli radio wifi off else # get list of known connections KNOWNCON=$(nmcli connection show) # If the connection is already in use, then this will still be able to get the SSID if [ "$CHSSID" = "*" ]; then CHSSID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | sed 's/\s\{2,\}/\|/g' | awk -F "|" '{print $3}') fi # Parses the list of preconfigured connections to see if it already contains the chosen SSID. This speeds up the connection process if [[ $(echo "$KNOWNCON" | grep "$CHSSID") = "$CHSSID" ]]; then nmcli con up "$CHSSID" else if [[ "$CHENTRY" =~ "" ]]; then WIFIPASS=$(echo " Press Enter if network is saved" | rofi -dmenu -p " WiFi Password: " -lines 1 ) fi if nmcli dev wifi con "$CHSSID" password "$WIFIPASS" then notify-send 'Connection successful' else notify-send 'Connection failed' fi fi fi