#!/usr/bin/env bash # rs_wall - A simple screenshot menu script for rofi/dmenu/wofi/fuzzel # Author: Clay Gomera (Drake) # Dependencies: {rofi || dmenu || wofi || fuzzel}, swaybg ############################ # Configuration Parameters # ############################ walldir="$XDG_PICTURES_DIR/Wallpapers" # wallpapers folder, change it to yours ######################## # Function Definitions # ######################## # Check for missing dependencies CheckDependencies() { local run_launcher_found=false for launcher in rofi dmenu wofi fuzzel; do if command -v "$launcher" &> /dev/null; then run_launcher_found=true break fi done if [ "$run_launcher_found" = false ]; then echo "Missing dependency: one of rofi, dmenu, wofi or fuzzel is required." exit 1 fi local missing_deps=() for dep in swaybg; do if ! command -v "$dep" &> /dev/null; then missing_deps+=("$dep") fi done if [ ${#missing_deps[@]} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Missing dependencies: ${missing_deps[*]}" exit 1 fi } #################### # Main Script Flow # #################### # Check for dependencies CheckDependencies cd "$walldir" || exit 1 wallpaper=$(fd -p "$walldir" | $RUNNER -l 5 -i -p "[󰋩 Wallpaper Selector]  ") if [ -n "$wallpaper" ]; then if [[ "$wallpaper" == *.jpg ]]; then rm -f "$HOME/.config/sway/wallpaper/"* cp "$wallpaper" "$HOME/.config/sway/wallpaper/background.jpg" cp "$wallpaper" "$HOME/.config/sway/wallpaper/locked.jpg" swaymsg output \* bg "$HOME/.config/sway/wallpaper/background.jpg" fill elif [[ "$wallpaper" == *.png ]]; then rm -f "$HOME/.config/sway/wallpaper/"* cp "$wallpaper" "$HOME/.config/sway/wallpaper/background.png" cp "$wallpaper" "$HOME/.config/sway/wallpaper/locked.png" swaymsg output \* bg "$HOME/.config/sway/wallpaper/background.png" fill fi else exit 1 fi exit 0