#!/usr/bin/env bash # ***This script was made by Clay Gomera (Drake)*** # - Description: A simple screenshot menu rofi script # - Dependencies: wofi, grim, slurp # options option1=" Capture the screen" option2=" Capture region" option3=" Exit" options="$option1\n$option2\n$option3" # countdown countdown() { notify-send "Screenshot" "Executing in 3 seconds" -t 1000 sleep 1 notify-send "Screenshot" "Executing in 2 seconds" -t 1000 sleep 1 notify-send "Screenshot" "Executing in 1 seconds" -t 1000 sleep 2 } # run choice=$(echo -e "$options" | $RUNNER -l 3 -p "[󰄀 Screenshot]  " ) case $choice in $option1) countdown grim - | wl-copy -t image/jpg notify-send "Screenshot" "Screenshot saved to clipboard" ;; $option2) notify-send "Screenshot" "Select a region to capture" grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy -t image/jpg notify-send "Screenshot" "Region saved to clipboard" ;; $option3) exit 0 ;; esac