#!/bin/sh ### STARTING XSESSION if [ -z $DISPLAY ] && [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ] then startx fi ### ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES export GST_VAAPI_ALL_DRIVERS=1 export EDITOR="emacsclient -t -a ''" # $EDITOR use Emacs in terminal export VISUAL="emacsclient -c -a emacs" # $VISUAL use Emacs in GUI mode export READER="zathura" # Zathura as the pdf viewer export TERMINAL="alacritty" # Alacritty as the default terminal emulator export BROWSER="librewolf" # Qutebrowser as the default web browser export WM="dwm" # AwesomeWM as the default Window Manager export XDG_DATA_HOME=${XDG_DATA_HOME:="$HOME/.local/share"} export XDG_CACHE_HOME=${XDG_CACHE_HOME:="$HOME/.cache"} export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:="$HOME/.config"} ### BASHRC source "$HOME"/.bashrc # Load the bashrc