#!/usr/bin/env bash # rs_wifi - A simple WiFi menu script for rofi/dmenu/wofi/fuzzel # Author: Clay Gomera (Drake) # Dependencies: {rofi || dmenu || wofi || fuzzel}, NetworkManager, libnotify (notify-send) ############################ # Configuration Parameters # ############################ # Main menu options option1=" Turn on WiFi" option2=" Turn off WiFi" option3="󱛅 Disconnect WiFi" option4="󱛃 Connect WiFi" option5="󱛆 Setup captive portal" option6=" Exit" options="$option1\n$option2\n$option3\n$option4\n$option5\n$option6" # WiFi interface information wifi_info=$(nmcli dev | awk '/wifi/ {print $1,$3; exit}') read -r wlan constate <<< "$wifi_info" ######################## # Function Definitions # ######################## # Check for missing dependencies check_dependencies() { local run_launcher_found=false for launcher in rofi dmenu wofi fuzzel; do if command -v "$launcher" &> /dev/null; then run_launcher_found=true break fi done if [ "$run_launcher_found" = false ]; then echo "Missing dependency: one of rofi, dmenu, wofi or fuzzel is required." exit 1 fi local missing_deps=() for dep in nmcli notify-send; do if ! command -v "$dep" &> /dev/null; then missing_deps+=("$dep") fi done if [ ${#missing_deps[@]} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Missing dependencies: ${missing_deps[*]}" exit 1 fi } # Turn off WiFi turnoff() { nmcli radio wifi off if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then notify-send "WiFi has been turned off" else notify-send "Failed to turn off WiFi" fi } # Turn on WiFi turnon() { nmcli radio wifi on if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then notify-send "WiFi has been turned on" else notify-send "Failed to turn on WiFi" fi } # Disconnect from WiFi disconnect() { if [ "$constate" = "disconnected" ]; then notify-send "WiFi is already disconnected" elif [ "$constate" = "connected" ]; then nmcli device disconnect "$wlan" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then notify-send "WiFi has been disconnected" else notify-send "Failed to disconnect WiFi" fi else notify-send "Unknown WiFi state" fi } # Connect to a WiFi network connect() { notify-send -t 5000 "Scanning networks..." nmcli dev wifi rescan wifinet=$(nmcli -f BSSID,SSID,BARS,SECURITY dev wifi list | sed -n '1!p' | $RUNNER -i -l 10 -p "[ Select a Wifi Network]  "); if [ -z "$wifinet" ]; then exit 0 fi bssid=$(echo "$wifinet" | awk '{print $1}') ssid=$(echo "$wifinet" | awk '{print $2}') } # Prompt for WiFi password password() { if nmcli connection show | awk -v ssid="$ssid" '$1 == ssid {found=1} END {exit !found}'; then pass="" elif nmcli -f BSSID,SECURITY dev wifi list | grep -w "$bssid" | awk '{print $2}' | grep -q -- "--"; then pass="" else pass=$($RUNNER -l 0 --password -p "[Enter Password  ]  " ); if [ -z "$pass" ]; then exit 0 fi fi } # Execute WiFi connection action() { if [ -n "$pass" ]; then nmcli dev wifi connect "$bssid" password "$pass" else nmcli dev wifi connect "$bssid" fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then notify-send "Connected to $ssid" else notify-send "Failed to connect to $ssid" fi } #################### # Main Script Flow # #################### # Check for dependencies check_dependencies cases=$(echo -e "$options" | $RUNNER -i -l 6 -p "[ Wifi Settings]  " ) # main menu prompt if [ -z "$cases" ]; then exit 0 fi case "$cases" in "$option1") turnon ;; "$option2") turnoff ;; "$option3") disconnect ;; "$option4") if connect; then if password; then action fi fi ;; "$option5") ${BROWSER:-xdg-open} http://networkcheck.kde.org ;; "$option6") exit 0 ;; esac