
My custom suckless based desktop focused on absolute productivity and workflow control.

![screenshot](./assets/screenshot.png) ## Key Features ### dwm features * **A bunch of extra layouts** - *Default ones:* - master & stack. - floating. - monocle - *Added ones:* - dwindle. - spiral. - centered master (also known as three column). - centered floating master (master window floating at the center of the screen, stack on the back). - grid. * **Keychord based keybindings:** Just like emacs, you can have chained keybindings, which exponentially extends the amount of keybindings you can have. * **Scratchpad support:** Convenient scratchpad functionality for storing and retrieving frequently used applications. * **Tag based workflow** - Each tag (also called workspaces) is meant to have it's purpose, this is achieved with an extensive set of window rules: - *Tag 1:* Coding - *Tag 2:* Testing - *Tag 3:* Web browsing - *Tag 4:* Chatting - *Tag 5:* Audio tools - *Tag 6:* Video tools - *Tag 7:* Graphic tools - *Tag 8:* Office & Document tools - *Tag 9:* Gaming ### Other suckless utilities included - *dmenu:* the best run launcher. This build includes some very useful scripts for things like wifi, bluetooth and wallpaper configuration, drive mounting, etc. - *herbe & tiramisu:* a minimal and fast notification daemon (tiramisu is the daemon, herbe is the notification window). - *st:* the fastest terminal emulator ever, [siduck's build]( - *slock:* simple and efficient lock screen with fingerprint reader support. - *dwbmlocks:* what enables you to customize dwm's status area in the bar. This build includes some cool & customizable status scripts. ## Installation & How To Modify Make sure to have these dependencies installed in your system: * **Build dependencies** ``` libX11-devel libXft-devel libXrender-devel libXinerama-devel libXrandr-devel libXext-devel imlib2-devel harfbuzz-devel fontconfig-devel gd-devel pam-devel libnotify xinit make gcc vala ``` * **Runtime dependencies** (required for dmenu scripts) ``` fd feh xdpyinfo xdotool ffmpeg maim slop udisks2 bluez-utils j4-dmenu-desktop NetworkManager power-profiles-daemon ``` After installing them with your package manager of choice, you can do the following to get the source code and start to modify it to your liking. ```bash # Clone this repository $ git clone # Go into the repository $ cd neodotfiles # Select which project to compile & install (dwm in this case) $ cd source/dwm # To install $ sudo make install && make clean ``` This repository is not a tutorial on how to modify or configure dwm or any of the included suckless tools, you obviusly don't need to learn C to do this, with this build you can start with an usable base and you wont even need to patch anything. If you want to add a patch though, you will need to do this manually, because most patching utilities like `patch` and `git apply` will fail due to how much of the code base I modified myself. To configure my build, the only file you really need to modify is the `config.h` file in each tool, which has everything commented and explained. Of course this being *my* build, it is already configured for my needs. ## dwm patch list These are the patches I applied to this dwm build (some of them I modified): - adjacenttag - alpha - alwayscenter - attachbottom - autostart - barpadding - centeredmaster - clientindicators - combo - cyclelayouts - fibonacci - focusmaster-return - fullscreen - gridmode - keychord - movestack - pertag - restartsig - rmaster - scratchpads - statuspadding - sticky - stickyindicator - tag-preview - tapresize - truecenteredtitle - warp - winicon ## Credits - dwm and the suckless tools available here are made by the suckless guys at []( - herbe is made by dudik and available [here]( - tiramisu is made by Sweets and available [here]( - dwmblocks is made by torrinfail and available [here]( ## License This project is licenced under the MIT License