#!/usr/bin/env bash # ***This script was made by Clay Gomera (Drake)*** # - Description: A dwmblocks script to print the volume level # - Dependencies: dwm, dwmblocks, pamixer # if the volume is muted, just print 󰖁 and exit [ "$(pamixer --get-mute)" = true ] && echo " 󰖁 " && exit vol="$(pamixer --get-volume)" # if not, this variable will store the current volume level if [ "$vol" -gt "50" ]; then icon="󰕾" elif [ "$vol" -gt "10" ]; then icon="󰖀" elif [ "$vol" -gt "0" ]; then icon="󰕿" else echo " 󰖁 " && exit # just in case if pamixer or the audio isn't available fi echo -e " $icon " # print the volume icon and level